002 Small Steps and the Slow Avalanche

002 Small Steps and the Slow Avalanche

Jonathan and Meridith discuss your questions, the Bible's answers and their nonsense.
Grab your favorite cup of warm, tasty life-altering potion, get busy on your favorite knick-knackery, and enjoy the ride, the heartbeat of the Mad Christian network.  It's a village, not a club, and we plan to be here a while: like, till the end of the world. So calm down: remember that rest is from God: and thank him for Saturday mornings on which there is no better thing to do than ponder life in his universe and... chill.

This week, the Mad Christian and Meridith speak about: 

00:00 Opening dialogue
26:52 Self-defense, martial arts and Christianity
42:15 Our pastor's wife seems worldly
1:09:55 Our kid's confirmation classes seem overly rigorous
1:20 How do we reconcile "go the extra mile" with "an eye for an eye"?
1:50:44 How do I "avoid the appearance of evil"?
2:11:14 Why is your clock upside-down?
2:14:28 Should I stay in my non-denom group as a witness or are they influencing me?

The opinions expressed on Stop the White Noise are those of RevFisk, but sometimes also God. Studies show that learning to tell the difference greatly enhances your viewing experience.

If you need help, the Holy Bible stands ready to assist you, as (hopefully) does your local, trustworthy pastor.

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